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Do you want to be a TAC Ambassador?

There are a few things you need to know…

*Update: You must be a Charter Member for a minimum of 90 Days and must have access to a computer and a Facebook account.*


1. It’s not just a title:

With the title of Ambassador do come some perks, but also responsibilities! You are the official TAC representative in your area. You are the face of this community to your fellow local heathens, pagans, and those who have never heard of Ásatrú. We expect you to behave according to the TAC Code of Conduct (C.O.C.) and with respect.


Here is the Ambassador Program (AP) Mission Statement:

The Ambassador Program is a plan to help build community with the members of TAC. Ambassadors will be the public face of TAC in their area. It is the Ambassador’s responsibility to build a network of Heathens in their area and conduct events that will allow solitary practitioners of the Ásatrú path to be part of a group or Kindred. The Ambassador Program will be headed by the Director of the Ambassador Program who is a board member of TAC.



2. What are my responsibilities as an Ambassador?

We expect each Ambassador to hold at least 1 TAC sponsored In-person event, and 1 Online event per quarter (every 3 months). This can be an introductory meeting, a Blot, a Sumbel, a study group, etc.  These can be chats that involve TAC and/or Ásatrú related topics.

Furthermore, you will need to fill out a Pre and Post-event report forms regarding any activities, events or get togethers you plan on holding in your area. You will need to fill out an End-of-Month report form to give us an idea of how your event went.



3. Do I get any perks as part of the Ambassador Program for doing all this stuff for TAC on my free time?

Yes. You get the Board of Directors’ undying gratitude. Of course, you also get the exciting title of TAC Ambassador! This title defines you as a point of contact and role-model for our members and other heathens in your area.



4. Ok, Cool! I’m up for the challenge! What do I do now?

You can find the application to become an Ambassador right here:

Tac Ambassador Application/ Training

After applying, Completing your background check info, and completing training, please give us a 1 week time period to notify you of your application status. Once your training is reviewed, if you are approved to become an Ambassador, you will be assigned an Official Tac email address and be added to Microsoft Teams chats with the rest of our team!



5. Wait a minute… Who do I hear from about this? Who do I ask questions about my role, as well as any bumps that may come along the way?

 Your go-to person is Jeremy Onishea; the Director of the Ambassador Program, you can reach him at:


You can email Jeremy with questions, suggestions and ideas at any point in time! He is also available on Microsoft Teams via the Ambassador Chats and Groups (once you’ve been accepted, After following proper chain of command).

Feel free to email him with any further questions prior to applying for the Ambassador Program!

Hail, and thank you for considering joining the Ambassador Program!

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